Kanchan Chatterjee works in the Finance Ministry of the Government of India as a tax officer. He has been writing poems and haiku since 2012. His poems have been published in a variety of ezines. He received an honourable mention for his entry in the 2017 Eto En Oi Ocha haiku contest in Japan.




the small dead branches


a nightbird sings and air hiss . . .

distant hum

of a long distance truck . . .


diwali happened a week back, a few

crackers still burst


looking up i see

scorpio, with antares, the fire star, burning orange; vega, in the center

of the sky




desolation ku


a mouse,
a half open window

the lights of the diwali night
the ks link road, desolate

will long be remembered. . .

late-rising moon

her side of bed
empty . . .






Keshavi signs the papers
is from Colombo
return her passport . . .

she smiles back
she works
in Unilever, speaks good

says she watches lots of Bollywood
stuff, Shahrukh, yeah

she will stay here for
10 days and
pray to Buddha
you know. . .

she won’t meet me at the
Sri Lankan monastery, I should come to
Colombo (flashes her smile)

turns away, waves back

she has a deep blue
pair of Nikes