Felix Rian Constantinescu was born in Romania in 1982. He made his debut in 2002 as a writer of short pieces for theatre, and his published works include  Imersiune posibila – Possible Immersion (2004), Canon in d si alb – trei povestiri (2011), O mama de lumina (2015), Momentul in care D-zeu exista (2015) and Yin (2016).



Jos în grădină

E zăpadă mucedă.

Soare – bec aprins.


Down in the garden

There is moulded snow.

Sun – fiery bulb.




Prin haturi albe

Felinare aruncă

Nuanţe nocturne.


Through white baulks

Street lamps throw





Pătrar de Lună

Peste tren înzăpezit.

Afânat deşert.



Over snowed up train.

Beaked up desert.




Pe scaunul pătat

Becul plouă alb-gălbui.

Iarnă sub astre.


On the stained chair

The bulb rains yellow-white.

Winter under stars.




Porţelan negru

Unde, ceaiul fumegă

La miezul nopţii.


Black porcelain

Waves, the tea smokes

At midnight.




Aici în Haţeg

Blocurile sunt dune

În neagra beznă.


Here in Haţeg

The blocks of flats are dunes

In the black darkness.



Falduri lichide

Recif sticlos palpitând.

Solare lumini.


Liquid kerchiefs

Glassy reef throbbing.

Solar lights.